Saturday, October 23, 2010

* Reflection*

Every Grading many lessons are we taking up, and all of this lessons can make us learn more and do better so that we can able to apply it in our everyday life. But in this Grading what are the lessons that we take up? Did we learn a lot of our lessons?
In our everyday life in our school we learned many things about our subjects. In our T.L.E. subject we learned many things about how can we do different HTML Tags and HTML Files. WE have learned also how can we do different Exer in our files and under it we learned how to attributes the size, color and face of the different fonts. We learned also how to format different tags what are the description of the Tags and their uses. We also learned different types of Tags, HTML, Editor and the rules of the Tags.
In this Grading we learned a lot of our subject T.L.E. and most of all the topics that we take up is very interesting to learned and what I've learned in this grading will do me a better student and a responsible to my classmates to share to them what I've learned and understand in this Grading Period.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Breaking Barriers Through English

We use to speak and talk to our English language whenever or whatever we are. In every things that we do we should talk and praise our International Language because this is the way we talk to other countries. But what can we do to improve our English language so that we can be able to understand whatever we say to other people?
"Breaking barriers through English" this theme of the celebration of the English month celebration. We Filipino's are very fun of talking and speaking English Language to other people so that we can learn and improve whatever we know in English. In this theme we should improve our grammar and sentences so that we can able to follow whatever we should learn. We should also break the Barriers through English so that we can understand the through meaning of English in our life.
We would finally realize that our English language is our soul because this is the one whom we communicate to other countries and what's matter is we should understand the through meaning of what we say and we talk to other.