Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Fiest To Remember

January 25 is one of a very special Day for us who came from the Region of Ilocos. Many event will be done on this Day specially in the City of Vigan.
In this Day it is the Fiest of Saint Paul, the very known savior here in Vigan City and the Lord that we praise most. In it the conversion of Saint Paul and we Biguenos celebrate it by having a mass in early morning in January 25. As it goes by and by, Provincial official have a parade together with their float and some big companies here in Vigan. Saint Paul is converted into a Catholic one because he do a nice way when he realize that all that he do is a bad thing and many people don't like him but he change for a better one.
"Viva Vigan", people say this in a very special Day to all the people in Vigan City and they patronized the Lord we praise most. And most awaited Fiest here in Vigan City is the Fiest of Vigan.

A Fiest To Remember

Monday, January 10, 2011

"My Reflection"

In this year or I should say Third grading period I have learned about the HTML Links. In this lesson we talked about how to Link another document on the web. We also learned what is Hyperlinks and it is the integration of the elements of multimedia presentation. Hypertext is also a connection of documents that contain cross reference and what is a Multimedia. And most of all the projects that we have made.
By doing our projects I have encountered a problems more on the Computer Internet because in our workstation we can not able to work as fast as we could because the Internet is not fast to work and it can ever bothered and bored us.
I address the problem by doing a self controlled to myself so that I can not have a big anger. Moving on I will try to give my very best so that I can able to get a high grades this grading period and to the next period as well.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year's Reunion

2011 has come to our life and and we celebrate New Year to our life we do many things that can make the first Day of the Year 2011 a memorable and enjoyable one. But how can we celebrate the New Year to our life?
As a teenager like me I celebrate it in a very nice one and for me it is very enjoyable and memorable one because we have a reunion in our whole family the Flaris Family in Cabugao. We have fun together talking a lot of things we have done in the past few Years, we sing as the Videoke beats in every song that we sing, we eat a lot of foods and most of all getting together with a sweet smile in our face. As the time comes in that Day I didn't know that all we have done to make our Reunion a very successful one and I am very happy the said Reunion we have done.
All I want for the Year 2011 is that we will be all together with my family that we love and care each other so that our family will be a happy and a strong family and I wish a good health for us.