Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Fiest To Remember

January 25 is one of a very special Day for us who came from the Region of Ilocos. Many event will be done on this Day specially in the City of Vigan.
In this Day it is the Fiest of Saint Paul, the very known savior here in Vigan City and the Lord that we praise most. In it the conversion of Saint Paul and we Biguenos celebrate it by having a mass in early morning in January 25. As it goes by and by, Provincial official have a parade together with their float and some big companies here in Vigan. Saint Paul is converted into a Catholic one because he do a nice way when he realize that all that he do is a bad thing and many people don't like him but he change for a better one.
"Viva Vigan", people say this in a very special Day to all the people in Vigan City and they patronized the Lord we praise most. And most awaited Fiest here in Vigan City is the Fiest of Vigan.